You’re probably aware of the need for basic property maintenance such as lawn care, hedge trimming, and yard clean-up. Depending on the size of your property - business or residential - you’ll need to determine your maintenance needs and how often services will be necessary. Every season comes bearing treasures. Prioritizing things as simple as a spring cleanup from the lawn maintenance professionals at LC Property Maintenance in Rochester, NY can ready your lawn quickly to impress for the season.

It’s a Selling Point

Regularly scheduled lawn maintenance adds value to your property. 71% of buyers believe curb appeal is the number one selling factor when searching for a home. And don’t just wait until you’re about to sell. A regularly scheduled lawn maintenance service will demonstrate your care and pride for your home. 

An Automatic Pest Control

Regular lawn care services can actually prevent pests and unwanted guest from wreaking havoc on your lawn and garden. Termites, red ants, and other obnoxious pests are waiting for an opportunity to rest comfortably in an untreated and unkempt yard - don’t give them a free pass!

Fruitful Flowers

With regular lawn maintenance you can easily expect your flower bed to stay just as vibrant and lush with each changing season. Our reputable lawn care service in Rochester, NY will perform maintenance and even install a beautiful flower bed to add to the setting of your home or business. We treat, fertilize, trim if necessary, and much more. 

We Often See What You Don’t

See that bald patch? No? That’s because you don’t know what to look for. Before you see the unsightly spotty patches in your lawn, a regular lawn maintenance service will catch it and get it under control. A healthy lawn requires professional care to prevent your healthy grass from becoming diseased. We know the lawn fertilizer schedule and will keep track so you don’t have to. Prevention is key to maintaining the healthy glow of your yard!

We Understand Your Needs

You and your small family are growing and will soon be climbing trees, skinning knees, and playing with Fido in the yard. Before you step foot into a local hardware or service center for the lastest weed-killer, your local lawn maintenance service may have a better suggestion. While no homeowner wants to pull pests out of their garden, pesticides have been known to do more harm than good. Let a professional find a solution that won’t compromise the health of your family - and your lawn!

To get a free estimate for any of the services we provide, or answers to your questions on commercial or residential lawn care, get in touch through our website’s contact form or by calling LC Property Maintenance today at 585-831-3796.